Here I leave my top 5 Power BI designers at least for today.
It does not mean that it is the only content that I consume, just a summary to date. There is a lot of content on the web; many people contribute a lot and others contribute less, even though are high-quality contributions. So, my opinion is that you don’t have to limit yourself to the content of 5 designers, but rather value the content created by the community. Your job will be to identify the creators you like.
So… this is my top 5 (they are not in order of preference, because I don’t have it) :
How To Power BI ( has a Power BI design playlist. It contains many tricks and settings to get another level of reporting with Power BI.
Vandalytic creates top content and usually It is for advanced users. I think you would have to have a good knowledge base to go deeper here. Here is his blog. Enjoy.
Gustaw Deudek. This guy plays in The Big Leagues. I’m a fan of his content. He shares a lot of knowledge on LinkedIn and now he is the best (for me). Here is Behance profile 🚀 and here NovyPro profile.
Armand van Amersfoort. This guy is a real expert and creates fascinating interactions. Here is his Youtube Chanel and her LinkedIn profile. 🚀
Alexandru Badiu, LinkedIn profile.
Miguel Myers, LinkedIn profile.
Carlos barboza, LinkedIn profile.
Claudio Trombini, LinkedIn profile.
Sean Chandler, LinkedIn profile.
Gerard Duggan, LinkedIn profile.
Andrzej Leszkiewicz, LinkedIn profile.
I think you will take advantage of this content if you have basic knowledge of Power BI and DataViz because you have worked or practiced the various techniques. However, what happens if it isn’t? I recommend that you enquire about the following information:
Read the book Storytelling with data. Btw, if you want to know my list of books about data check out my post (Spanish at the moment).
Check out Microsoft Learn courses (free). In this link, you will find the learning paths and look for those related to DataViz or visualizations. Btw (again 😂), if you want to know my list of learning platforms about data check out my post (🇪🇸).
Check out Numerro content (link). This company offers interesting content.
Practice. There are many challenges on the internet (Datasets included).
Visit my post My visual resources to create Power BI reports.
💡Important: There is a lot of internet content, and you must spend time researching and investigating the content you like the most.
I would like to receive your comments, ideas, and more content to share. Feel free to add yours.🤟